81-Year-Old Georgia Woman Votes For The First Time After Husband Dies

On the eve of her 82nd birthday, Betty Cartledge voted for the first time in her entire life.

After early voting began in Georgia, a local television station, Channel 2 Action News, just so happened to catch the first-time voter on her way into a Newton County polling location.

“I’m going to vote for the first time in my life,” she told the outlet.

Cartledge, who was accompanied by her niece, explained that she had never voted sooner because her longtime husband discouraged it.

“I was so young and everything when we got married, I never really thought about it,” she said. “And then I got old and I thought that it wouldn’t count to vote.”

After her husband died last year, she decided it was time to make her voice heard, especially living in such an important voting state as Georgia.

Cartledge didn’t share who she voted for, but she did debrief the experience to Channel 2 as she returned to her car afterward.

“It was neat, it was good,” Cartledge said. “If I’m here, I’ll be back again.”

After the video circulated on social media, several viewers commented with their thoughts on the monumental moment for Carledge.

“He didn’t believe that her voice should be heard!! 🥺😤😡” one user noted.

“It’s sad to say still a lot of women can’t vote who they want to vote for because their husband won’t allow then. SMH in these days and time,” another said.

Another wrote, “Problem is in some of these situations it’s very difficult for the woman to be able to lie convincingly if her partner pressures to know how she voted.”

While it’s painful to know that Betty’s voice wasn’t heard for 82 years, at least she was able to finally be free to vote for whomever she wanted.

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