New video footage shows the remarkable “fire breathing” new ‘dragon drones’ Ukrainian forces are reported to be using in their fight against invading Russian forces. Ukrainian soldiers are deploying the “dragon drones” on the battlefield, Ukraine’s Defence Ministry confirmed in a post on 4 September 2024. The Ministry shared footage of a drone releasing fiery, white-hot metal over soldiers concealed in a tree line. The video shared by Ukraine’s Defence Ministry on 4 September was filmed by the Perun unit of Ukraine’s 42nd Mechanised Brigade, reportedly operating in the Kharkiv sector. Another video showing a similar drone at night, was shared by Ukraine’s 60th Separate Ingulets Brigade on the same day. “Strike drones are our wings of vengeance that carry fire straight from the sky,” members of the brigade wrote. “They become a real threat to the enemy by burning their positions with a precision that no other weapon can achieve.” Reports have claimed these mysterious ‘dragon drones’ are armed with thermite munitions. Thermite burns at temperatures exceeding 2,000 degrees Celsius, dispersing molten metal capable of melting through some armoured vehicles. Thermite and other incendiary devices can cause severe injuries, including extensive painful burns as well as “respiratory damage, infection, dehydration, and organ failure. For Ukraine, novel drone warfare tactics have been used to strike Russian warships, naval bases, oil refineries, and airfields deep beyond Russian lines.